Monday, May 14, 2007

Mothers Day

Yesterday was a wonderful day for me. Bishopbric meetings were cancelled and I got to sleep in until 7 am when I was awakened to breakfast in bed by my sweetheart and two daughters. Now I know that to some of you 7 doesn't sound like sleeping in but keep in mind my two little princesses usually wake me up somewhere between 5:45 and 6:00 am. So needless to say I felt indulged. Then the next wonderful thing happened. I got to sit through a quiet church meeting....don't get me wrong I am not happy that all of my girls have had a cough and/or fever for over a week but I was extremely happy when Steve said he would stay home with them and let me enjoy church. It was hard when first the primary and then the young men and priesthood got up and sang to their mothers for them to all be at home. So as soon as church was over I rushed home to my family. When I got there Steve had on an apron and was making me lunch/dinner of chicken enchiladas. Now he is not a cook nor does he enjoy cooking so the fact that he was taking on my favorite enchilada recipe (which has a lot of little things do do for prep) was really impressive. I just sat back and read a new book I had gotten while he took care of everything. all in all it was a good day.


Bree said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day! You deserve it- You are such an awesome mom and wife. Thanks for the example.

Lori said...

Stacie 5:45 you are awsome! I'm sorry your girls have been sick that's the worst! Mothers Day is such a fun day! I love all the little things that are done for us! I'm so glad you had such a perfect Mother's Day.

McKensi said...

you think 5.45 is bad? ugh i have to get up somewhere between the hours of 8.15 and 8.25... its horrible and then on the weekends they have the audacity to wake me up at 10.30... i know what your thinking, can you believe they would do that? your an awesome mom and you deserved everything you got!!!