Monday, October 20, 2008

My baby is growing up. Yesterday after I had everyone ready for church I put in a movie to entertain the kids while I got ready. When I came out Lizzy was sitting on top of the table in a puddle of milk and breakfast cereal. As you can see she was pleased as punch at what she had accomplished. She now knows that the when the camera comes out she should smile and let me have some beautiful smiles that I couldn't help sharing! She is communicating with us so much more and is on the verge of potty training. She hates to have a messy diaper and will take it off or get us a diaper as soon as it is slightly wet.
She tries and has accomplished going poo in the potty because she hates those diapers most of all.
Isn't she the cutest thing ever! :) I hate that she is growing up so fast and I try to treasure every moment as it will probably be the last.



I just came on your page and Juliana was soo excited to see Amanda...."IT AMANDA!!" Cute pics, she has the cutest smile. Don't you love getting them ready for church more than once!

Catherine said...

Baby Lizzie is no longer a baby, is she? I hate that they grow up so fast, but it is kind of fun seeing her look more like a pretty little girl than a baby.

ma'elePHOTO said...

How funny!!! My little man is ALWAYS getting into things and then when he's caught he give me the CUTEST little grin and I forgive him. So FUN our little babies, huh!

Raich said...

She is so pretty...she seems so big too in that pic

Tera said...

She sure is a cutie! And I love amanda's long curly hair. I could be jealous of it, but I will try to control myself! Atleast I have hair.