Monday, January 28, 2008

The Death of President Gordon B. Hinkley

Last night like many of you we heard the news that our beloved Prophet had passed away. This was bittersweet news in that he was dearly loved and will be missed by us all, and was also reunited with his Father in Heaven and his sweet wife. As I sat down to explain to my girls that the Prophet had died, they once again showed such faith when they asked when he would be resurrected =) They have been watching Lazarus Lives and want to know why Jesus doesn't resurrect us all after a few days "why do we have to wait". After I told them where he was and that his "honey" (that's what they call Steve or I when referring to the one who is not there ie Mom where is your honey or mom did your honey do that for you) was with him they were happy and wanted to know if Joseph Smith would be the prophet again.=) I got out a picture of President Monson and said that this would probably be the new Prophet. That was that and they were fine. Isn't it wonderful to know that even though this great man has died, that the Lords work continues on? I am so grateful for my knowledge that the Gospel is true and that God live and that we can live again and be together forever! I know that this is true with all my heart and it gives me great peace in times like this.


Bree said...

That is so sweet. Your girls are so smart and willing to learn. President Hinckley was an amazing person and did so much good on this earth- imagine what he is going to accomplish now!