Monday, January 5, 2009

The Break

Wow what an eventful couple of weeks. I'll start by saying we had a GREAT Christmas this year. Santa found our home and with a few minor setbacks left a bunch of happy girls in his wake. Ali got a Nintendo DS, Katrina got a bike, Amanda got a dollhouse, and Elizabeth got a baby complete with stroller and bottles. They were all very happy (until later that day when the adrenaline wore off from waking up so early). We spent the day with friends and enjoyed watching the Lakers play and win :)
After Christmas was over we set off to see family for a couple of days before Ali went home. We enjoyed the time we had with family. Steve ran a 5 k on new years eve and so Ali, Katrina Megan and Ashley stood and froze while we waited for him to finish and then we celebrated the new year. OK so we shouted Happy New Year to each other as we hurried back to the warm comforts of the van. We met together as a family to make plans for our up and coming business and I tried (and succeeded) to get some last minute authorizations for banners and permission to represent our business at a soccer tournament. After the family meeting I was flying high. We are doing better then I expected to be at this point and I am optimistic that this is a winning opportunity.
The kids went back to school today and I tried to catch up on all the laundry that a vacation brings and cleaned out the girls drawers to make room for the new clothes they got for Christmas.
All in all it was a great holiday, but I am glad to be getting back to a normal routine!!!


The Horvath Crew said...

I hear ya-I am so glad to be back to routine.

Grandma Grace said...

I didn't know you are Lakers fans. You just gained some prestige in the eyes of the Bauers.

Catherine said...

That vacation is going to be hard to beat! I can't believe all the laughs we had together. :) I'm so glad we stay in St. George longer, so we could spend time with you guys. I miss you already!

Susan said...

Sounds like you had a great time! I am glad to hear the business is going so well so quickly!

Megan and Nick said...

It was so fun having you here, even though we didn't see you very much. I love when you guys come up it's like a holiday everytime I see you, (ok Christmas and New Years are holidays, but you know what I mean).

Anonymous said...

When you get settled, could you post some pics please? :

Lori said...

Love seeing you everytime you come for a visit! You guys always cram in a ton of stuff while you are here! I don't know how you do it! Thanks for all your work with Exfuze! Steve nice job on your run! So good to see you all!!