Saturday, December 6, 2008


You would think that living in California you would get used to an occasional little tremble. Last night Steve and I were watching a movie when we felt the trembling begin. It only lasted a couple of seconds but it was very much discernible. We later found that there was a 5.5 earthquake about 50 miles from where we are. Because of the distance we hardly felt anything but it still makes my stomach churn and it definitely makes me look around the bedrooms where my children are sleeping to see if anything on the walls could fall and hurt them if the big one were to happen. As much as it turns my stomach I am grateful for LITTLE reminders to assess our situation and get prepared. Later as we were getting ready for bed I noticed that the grandfather clock was still reading 8:22 and it was wound. Steve and I realized that the shaking from the earthquake must have disrupted its rhythm and stopped the clock.


Grandma Grace said...

I remember my first earthquake in California. We were in bed and it was big enough to wake us up. I jumped up and started out of the room towards the kids rooms. Gary asked where I was going. I told him to make sure the kids were all right. He just turned over and said that it was just a little one. Still scary to me.

JeN said...

Crazy... We were at the church party and people were saying we just had an earthquake.. I thought it was just from all the dancing but I see we really had one.. I agree, we need to be reminded to get prepared!!!


I didn't even feel it, jeff was telling me about it!! What happened to you at the dance?? I thought for sure you were going?? Steve could have had some pretty good competitions!! It was fun, we missed you!....I've lived in CA all my life and still get scared when earthquakes happen..I'm always wondering if it's the BIG ONE. And then when I'ts taking forever to stop I start to get really nervous!!

Sara :) said...


Raich said...

yeah, i think we were at subway or driving home and we never felt it, i was just telling my hubby we would have a mess to clean up in the kitchen if we had an earthquake...all my empty canning jars in the cupboard are stacked up to the end of the shelves...tell steve to plan a meeting and get us on track :) jk

Anonymous said...

Sounds scary!

Lori said...

Yikes! Glad everyone is okay! Those things completely freak me out!

Catherine said...

What a good reminder for all of us to be better prepared. I'm glad it didn't effect your home or your family very much and that you're all safe. :)

Megan and Nick said...

I am glad you are all safe. Earthquakes are scary.