Sunday, November 30, 2008

A little of this and that.

Well a lot has been going on around here so here is just a brief overview. 2 weeks ago Steve and I began our own little business and so far we have made a whopping 37.00 dollars with more on the way I am sure. We are really excited about this opportunity in our lives.

We spent the last week in Utah with family and had a ball running back and forth between family. The kids loved seeing all their cousins and especially liked that there was ALWAYS a cousin to play with. Amanda even asked why we don't live there too. When I explained that daddy doesn't have a job in Utah she innocently replied " I have a job mom... I can make the bed and pick up my toys and" I had to laugh at the simplicity of it and told her that daddy needed a job teaching that would pay him money. Needless to say we all had a good time. We were even lucky enough to miss the traffic both coming and going :)

While we were in Utah Elizabeth had to fall asleep on our bed with pillows around her and she did really good. So when we came back we let her decide whether or not to sleep in the crib or the toddler bed. She chose the bed and it looks like we will be taking down the crib for the last time. It amazes me that she is getting so big and I am enjoying every moment of the journey.

Well that's it in a nutshell, we hope you are all well and that you had a great Holiday as well. Love to all!!!


Anonymous said...

It was fun seeing you. The girls are getting so big. It's fun to get to know their personalities.

Megan and Nick said...

It was way fun having you here. All your girls are so cute and they change so much each time I see them.


How fun to get away!! Love when you can take the crib down. You're lucky she didn't want to sleep with you after that trip. That's what always would happen with my kids! Well, see you tomorrow for preschool....don't spend all that money in one place!!

Bree said...

Wish I could have been there to see you guys and have fun. Oh well, maybe for the Reunion we will get to see each other. Have I told you that my girls play house and they are always Aunt Stacie or Katrina and Amanda. They rotate with the different Aunts and the last month or so has been you guys. We love you guys and can't wait to see you again.