Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well it has been a while since I posted so look for several in the days to come. One of the more exciting things that happened at the beginning of our summer was that Katrina decided to learn to ride her bike without training wheels. She was quite nervouse to say the least but you could hear her whispering under her breath. "I can do it, I am not going to quit, and if I just keep practacing".

It took her 2 days of 20 minute practices (that is all dads back could handle) and she was riding on her own. It was funny to watch her as she realized she was doing it by herself she would hit the brakes. I mean really hit the brakes leaving little white skid marks all over the street. She finally found her stride and she is a great rider. She now go on family bike rides and she leads the way:)


Catherine said...

Way to go Katrina! It's a big deal for a kid to learn to ride a bike without training wheels. Guess who taught me how to ride my bike? The SAME PERSON that taught Katrina. It's true. My big brother Steve! :)

Unknown said...

Exciting! And what a good dad! Those pictures are precious.

Megan and Nick said...

Good job Katrina!! Riding your bike is something you will love doing your whole life!